Free download microsoft excel for windows 10 64 bit
Free download microsoft excel for windows 10 64 bit

free download microsoft excel for windows 10 64 bit

With practice, you can take advantage of formulas to create customized, easy-to-update Excel workbooks. You can even use Flash Fill to split data into multiple rows and columns or combine data into a single cell. For example, type “January,” “February” and “March” in three different cells and Excel can fill in the rest of the months of the year. Excel uses predictive technology to fill in cells for you. One of the most time-saving features of Excel is Flash Fill. Start mastering this software today and you'll be ready for whatever challenges your manager wants to throw at you in the future. Whether you need to organize a list of phone numbers for potential sales leads, compare efficiency across multiple projects or just keep track of your own assignments, any white-collar job will expect you to have basic familiarity with Excel. Learning Excel is an important part of modern-day professionalism. You can spend hours customizing drop shadows, 3-D effects, x- and y- axis labels and every other element of your chart or take less than 60 seconds and use the built-in templates to create a graph. Simply highlight your data, click a few buttons and you’ll have a beautiful chart ready to export to Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint or Microsoft Outlook.

free download microsoft excel for windows 10 64 bit

Create bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs and so many more with the integrated chart creation feature. When it comes to charts and graphs, Microsoft Excel 2013 has you covered. You can even sort cells based on their color, so visual customization isn’t just about looks.

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Make your titles or headers pop with different font colors, sizes and intensities or highlight problematic cells in your least-favorite color.

free download microsoft excel for windows 10 64 bit

You can add in plenty of visual features with hundreds of different included settings. Excel 2013 is even smart enough to recognize headers, letting you keep the top row of your data in place while everything else is instantly sorted. You can use multiple sort rules to turn cluttered workbooks into tidy lists. Robust filtering features make it easy to sort your data. Take advantage of the many features and design options to manage and present your data in the best possible way. Whether you're a macro expert or a spreadsheet beginner, you can use Microsoft's data processing software to maximize your productivity. Keep your data organized with Excel's powerful management features.

Free download microsoft excel for windows 10 64 bit